Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 2006

Date: May 6, 2006

  1. Meeting called to order @ 8:31AM
    Stephen Phillips, President chairing[Attendees: Stephen Phillips, Tracy Summerville, Colin Bennett, Allan Warnke, Jeremy Rayner, Derek Cook, Larry Woods, Denis Pilon, Hamish Telford, Stephen McBride, James Lawson, Logan Masilamani, Paul Roper, Sharn Tyakoff …]
  2. Adoption of the Agenda
    (Moved Tracy Summerville/2nd Paddy Smith) – Approved
  3. Minutes of AGM of May 20, 2005
    (Moved Tracy Summerville/2nd Colin Bennett) – Approved
  4. Reports:
    1. ProgramCommittee:Jeremy Rayner –
      • 37 Paid Registrants + Guests / 45 Attendees
      • 34 Proposals/25 Papers: most of rest dropped re: travel/visa issues
      • Two issues from prior meetings =
      1. Concurrent Sessions
      2. Sessions during ArticulationAt Malaspina/BCPSA 12/2006. There were TWO concurrent sessions AND overlapping sessions during 2nd day Articulation. Hamish Telford was asked to raise any BCPSA/BC Political Science Articulation issues on either @ BC Political Science Articulation.

        The Malaspina Program Committee thanked BCPSA President Stephen Phillips for his ongoing assistance and for organizing/evaluating the BCPSA Student Essay prize contest winners.

        There was some discussion of past BCPSA/BC Political science Articulation co-operation on ‘joint sessions’ such as on areas of sub-field teaching; and an understanding that the 2007/subsequent program committees would engage in a dialogue on continuing such at future meetings.

        Moved Stephen McBride/2nd Tracy Summerville) (a) Thanks to Jeremy Rayner/Malaspina colleagues/Program Committee and (b) Approved

    2. President’s Report – Stephen Phillips
      1. 2005 Meetings: Despite a well organized meetings by Tracy Summerville/UNBC, Political Science attendance at Prince George was limited. This was a joint meeting with BC Studies. The BCPSA turnout issue underscored the tradition of into/out of the Lower Mainland BCPSA meetings as a feature of assisting with BCPSA finances over each two year cycle; ‘Lower Mainland’ meetings have historically been able to draw a higher number of attendees. Continuing that tradition had general discussion support.
      2. Restructuring: President Stephen Phillips reported on the work of a restructuring committee re: the BCPSA constitution. His recommendation was that the new 2006-07 Executive take up this work and bring final recommendations to the 2007 AGM/membership
      3. Student Essay Awards: The Malaspina University College program Committee requested BCPSA assistance in evaluating/awarding the five 2006 student essay prizes. Stephen Phillips and Langara College agreed to do this BCPSA function for 2006.
      4. Proceedings: BCPSA is ‘up to date’ @ 2005 meetings/proceedings of BCPSA`Annual. These are now self sustaining re: costs to BCPSA.
      5. Former BCPSA President Dr Norman Ruff (UVic) was awarded an Honourary Life Membership at the 2006 BCPSA meetings; the senior undergraduate student essay award was also named in his honour;
      (Moved Allan Warnke/2nd Jeremy Rayner for acceptance of President’s Report) – AND the thanks of ALL BCPSA members to Stephen Phillips for his sterling service to BCPSA, including staying on for a THIRD year term (of a two-year appointment). Approved unanimously.

    3. Report: Secretary-Treasurer: Mike Howlett
      1. Income Statement 2005-2006 – see attached statementsInitial balance approx $1100 / close =approx $650.00
        • this included $371.00 from UBC Press re: Carty reader sales; this is likely to go down in future years.
        • Proceedings broke even in 2005: The proceedings have had 20 regular subscribers and now 5-6 new ones as ‘returned’ proceedings are re-mailed out to other libraries = possibility of future profits for bcpsa of $500-600. Annual charges for BCPSA~ANNUAL raised to $60.
        • Question re: bank fees = approx $60.00. New executive to consider moving from current bank to lower cost (eg credit union?) institution – once current supply of purchased cheques is depleted. Books are to be turned over by Sec-Treasurer Mike Howlett to incoming Sec-Treasurer.
        • (Moved Derek Cook/2nd Larry Woods) approval of Sec-Treasurer report – and with much thanks from BCPSA to Mike Howlett for 12 years of essential service in this/other capacities to BCPSA. Approved unanimously.
  5. Report of the Student Essay Competition Adjudication Committee – 2006Thanks to Stephen Phillips/Langara for overseeing this BCPSA task:

    2006 Winners

    Lower Division U/G – Michael Meade Prize:

    Garth Jones (Langara)

    Canada’s Environmental PolicyL A New Approach”

    Upper Division U/G – Norman Ruff Prize:

    Brenton Walters (SFU)

    How Much Is Enough: Aristotle And Foreign Aid”

    BA Hons. Essay:

    Heather Cochran (UVic)

    Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty: On This Ice Or Finally Thawing”

    Masters Essay:

    James Baker (UBC)

    The Responsibility To Protect At The 2005 World Summit: An Investigation Of Policy By Regime Type”

    PhD Essay:

    Sima Joshi

    Canadian Cities, The Fictitious Fourth Commodity? Exploting Subjugation Within Municipal-Provincial-Federal Relation In Canada And the resulting Commodification Of City Life”

    Stephen Phillips noted that there were a considerable number of applicants. Each department is to winnow these down to one applicant per category; most did (sfu will try and do so next year!)

    A better system of notice – perhaps with an early bcpsa essay prize poster (with NEXT bcpsa meeting info appended at bottom) was proposed, ideally in autumn to capture both semesters for students – and to be sent out to all BC Political Science departments. Agreed

  6. BCPSA Re-Structuring Committee Report:Courtesy of BCPSA President Stephen Phillips drafting a restructuring discussion paper was distributed to a BCPSA committee; it was posted for all to comment. The volume of feedback prior to the 2006 meetings was too limited to ensure a redraft based on the input; Stephen Phillips recommended that the restructuring Committee be reconstituted/slightly expanded for 2006-7 and to formulate a set of recommendations in time for prior to BCPSA 2007 meetings all-member consideration.

    (Moved Derek Cook/2nd Tracy Summerville that this work continue in 2006-7 and report in time for 2007 meetings) Approved

    (Moved Derek Cook/2nd Allan Warnke that the committee be reconstituted for this task) Approved

  7. Venues for Future MeetingsDouglas College was to host BCPSA/BC Political Science Articulation in May 2007 but informed President Stephen Phillips that they would not be able to do so two days prior to the 2006 meetings at MUC; In 2005, TRU/Kamloops was down as the 2008 site. Derek Cook of TRU offered to host 2007 if BCPSA/Articulation could decide in the next week following 2006 AGM. Appreciation was expressed for this generous offer; and a query/discussion followed re: the matter of turnout/budget implications of having two years away from Lower Mainland. Hamish Telford of UCFV offered to follow TRU should it host in 2007 – or after it (for 2009) should TRU remain 2008 host. There was also some discussion about UVic as host in the year following TRU and UCFV (2010).

    The new executive are to consider options for 2007 fairly quickly and get back to TRU.

    (Moved Tracy Summerville/2nd Colin Bennett) Report Accepted.

  8. 2007 Weller Book PrizeIn 2007, BCPSA will again award the Weller Prize for Best Book by a BC Political Scientist. Stephen Phillips noted the need to remind Departments/Chairs about this award – covering books published in 2005 and 2006. Claire Cutler, UVic was the winner of the 2005 Weller Prize. The BCPSA expenditure for framed picture/plaque for winner included most of the costs for the 2007 Prize; just the name/winner’s info is needed to be added to the plaque for 2007. There was also discussion of adding “past winners” to the 2007 Weller Prize Selection Committee. In the past it has been a committee of Past Presidents. Maybe in interim a mixture for 2007.
  9. Executive Elections – 2006-2007
    President Stephen Phillips called for nominations for the next executive of BCPSA.For 2007, The executive nominated/elected includes

    Past President: Stephen Phillips (Langara)

    President: Tracy Summerville (UNBC)

    1st Vice-President: Derek Cook (TRU)

    2nd Vice-President (A): Hamish Telford (UCFV)

    2nd Vice-President (B): Colin Bennett (UVic)

    Secretary-Treasurer: Sandra MacLean (SFU)

    Grad Student Rep: Sima Joshi (SFU)

    Members at Large: Mike Howlett (SFU)

    Allan Warnke (MUC)

    Logan Masilamani (SFU)

    Paul Rowe (TWU)

    Alan Sens – or another UBC Rep

    Paddy Smith (SFU)

  10. Other BusinessOfficial thanks were moved for the considerable efforts on our collective behalves by President Stephen Phillips, over the past three years in particular. Similar thanks were noted for the long-standing commitment to the well-being of BCPSA provided by Mike Howlett, the Association’s longest serving Secretary-Treasurer. Mike turns over a BCPSA ‘in the black’ to his successor.

    We owe much to these two colleagues.

    ‘Other’ Other Business being none…

    (Moved Jeremy Rayner/2nd Tracy Summerville) that the meeting be adjourned.

    Adjourned, 9:17AM, Saturday, May 6th, 2006 at MUC.