Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 2005
Draft May 20, 2005
The meeting of April 29, 2005 at the University of Northern British Columbia was called to order at 8:15 am by President S. Phillips.
1. It was MOVED by A. Michalos and SECONDED by T. Summerville that the agenda be approved. CARRIED
2. It was MOVED by T. Summerville and SECONDED by A. Michalos that the minutes of the 2004 business meeting be approved. CARRIED
3.1. S. Phillips reported on the activiies of the student bursary committee which are still ongoing.
4.1. Progamme Committees Report
T. Summerville reported that the joint Historians – BC Studies and BCPSA – Poliical Scientist organizing committee had worked well this year and had arranged for the presentation of many papers, keynote speakers and roundtables. iAbout 90 delegates had registered overall and support had been reecived from the University and the City as well other some businesses in Prince George. However it was noted that the number of BCPSA papers and participants was quite low by historical standards with about 11 paper givers and only two dozen registrants. Nevertheless, due to the large participation by historians, it was expected that the conference would break-even and nt reslt in additional charges to the Association.
It was MOVED by S. Phillips and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the local organizers report be received and that the Association’s thanks be extended to T. Summerville, A. Michalos and J. Swaigen of UNBC as well as to the Department and community for their support. CARRIED
4.2. Presidents Report
S. Phillips reported on contacts made over the year with the Citisen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform and announced the winner of the Weller Prize as well as the winners of the student essay awards and the award of an Honorary Lifetime Membership to Alex Michalos. The award winners were:
Weller Prize: 2005 – Claire Cutler, University of Victoria – for “Private Power and Global Authority: Transnational Merchant Law in the Global Political Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)
Phd Prize – 2005 – Kathleen McNutt-Darragh, Simon Fraser University – “e-Government, e-Governance, and e-Democracy: The Canadian Chronicle”
MA Prize – 2005 – Daisaku Higashi, UBC – “Battle for the Kyoto Protocol in Japan: The Driving Forces Pushing the Japanese Government to Ratify and Implement the Kyoto Protocol”
BA Upper Division – 2005 – Carl Linder, UBC – “Iraq and the Perils of Consequentialist Ethics for Human Rights”
Mike Meade BA Lower Division Prize – 2005 – Natasha Sharwood, Langara College – “The WTO: Protectionist Measures”
4.3. Treasurers Report
M.Howlett presented several financial statements covering the April 1 to March 31 2003-2004 fiscal year. He noted the Association was currently in the black pending the outcome of this year’s AGM, with a small balance of approximately $1000 in its bank account. HE noted that the proceedings continued to operate on a cost recovery basis, so that the Association’s finances were sustainable over the medim term.
MOVED by L. Masalimani and SECONDED by T. Summerville that the reports be received. CARRIED.
It was announced that the 2007 AGM would be held at Douglas College and the 2008 AGM at Three Rivers University in Kamloops.
It was agreed that the present Executive would remain in office for an additional year, with the exceptions of J. Rayner who would move to 1st VP, S, Tyakoff who would move to 2nd VP (A) and D. Cook who would become 2nd VP (B), while a committee was struck to consider re-structuring the Association by revising its constitution so as to alter the process of at-large elections, possibly through a move to a Department-level ‘consortium’ model or a mixture of the two systems. It was agreed that the re-structuring committee would be chaired by S. Phillips and would contain M. Howlett, A. Michalos, D. Cook, L. Masalimani and T. Summerville as members.
It was also agreed to extend a lifetime membership and possibly name an Essay prize after retiring past President N. Ruff of UVIC.
7. It was MOVED by A. Michalos and SECONDED by L. Masalamani that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 am