Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 1998
May 10, 1998
University-College of the Cariboo
Kamloops, B.C.
Draft – May 11, 1998
1. The meeting was called to order by D. Cook at 10:10 am
2. The agenda was distributed and participants welcomed. It was MOVED by P. Whyte and SECONDED by P. Smith that the agenda be approved as distributed.
3. It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the minutes of the 1997 AGM be approved.
4. Business Arising from the Minutes.
D. Cook spoke to the work accomplished in 1997-1998 towards achieving accreditation for political science as a teachable subject in the province’s education faculties. A. Michalos proposed to construct a survey instrument to be sent to high schools to investigate the state of current politics and government offerings. After some discussion it was MOVED by P. Tennant and SECONDED by P. Whyte that (1) the BCPSA create an Educational Review Committee to support its efforts to achieve accreditation of political science and any other matter related to the promotion of political science education in the province; and (2) that the BCPSA authorize Alex Michalos to conduct a systematic investigation of B.C. high school and college offerings in politics and government and report back to the Educational Review Committee on his progress.
In conjunction with this effort, D. Cook agreed to contact the CPSA with regard to the experience in other provinces, while P. Whyte agreed to contact the B.C. Teacher’s College and the Provincial Specialist Association on the subject. Also with respect to this matter, it was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by P. Smith that up to $200 be allocated to conduct an essay contest aimed at College students on the subject of the reasons why high school teachers should have knowledge of Canadian government, with a prize to be awarded at the 1999 AGM.
It was also agreed that M. Howlett would contact the Association of Canadian Studies to determine the extent to which Canadian Studies programs at Universities and Colleges include Canadian government courses in their curricula. It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by P. Whyte that the BCPSA affirm its position that a course in Canadian government and politics should be a core component of any program in Canadian Studies.
On another matter, D. Cook noted that a notice of motion had been filed at the 1997 Annual General Meeting to amend the constitution to create a position on the executive for one graduate student representative. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by D. Cook that the constitution be so amended.
In addition, P. Smith reported that little progress had been achieved on the proposal to contact media outlets in the province to contribute to a scholarship fund for political science students, but that efforts towards this end would be stepped up in 1998-1999.
5. President’s Report.
D. Cook noted that articulation had agreed to hold its 2001 meeting at Langara College and its 2002 meeting at Okanagan College-University. It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the BCPSA hold its 2001 AGM at Langara College and it’s 2002 AGM at Okanagan College-University.
6. Secretary’s Program Report
The 1998 Annual General Meeting involved 54 paid-up registrants plus a small number of students. Over 50 persons participated on the program. Program participants included paper-givers from London England, Toronto, London Ontario, and Winnipeg as well as four from institutions in Alberta. Twenty-two papers were given as well as two keynote addresses. It was MOVED by M. Howlett and SECONDED by P. Tennant that the 1998 Program Report be Accepted.
It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by P. Whyte that thanks be extended to Richard and Karen Sigurdson and Isabelle and Derek Cook for their efforts and success in organizing the 1998 AGM
7. Treasurer’s Report
M. Howlett reported that the BCPSA had $2467.99 in its bank account as of March 31, 1998. A twelve hundred dollar charge was expected to be incurred in 1998 as a result of the publication of the first three volumes of BCPSA Proceedings. However additional revenues were expected from the 1998 AGM, sales of Proceedings, and other sources which would help offset this amount. It was MOVED by M. Howlett and SECONDED by D. Cook that the 1998 Treasurer’s Report be accepted.
8. Elections
D. Cook outlined the vacancies in the positions of 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President (A and B), Secretary, and at-large representatives from each of the four regions. The nominations committee report was presented and Paul Tennant was ACCLAIMED as 1st Vice-President, Ken Carty as Secretary, Jeremy Wilson as 2nd Vice-President (A) and Peter Prongos as 2nd Vice-President (B). ACCLAIMED as regional representatives were (North) Larry Woods, (Southern Interior) Carl Hodge, (Lower Mainland) Marlene Yri, and (Vancouver Island) Mike Meade. ACCLAIMED as Graduate Representatives was Russell Williams.
9. New Business
D. Cook reported that the student essay contest winners in 1998 were William W. Bain from UBC (PHD); Kathryn Taylor from SFU (Master’s); Shaila Seshia from UBC (Upper Division UG); Yuk Wai Chan from Langara College (Lower Division UG). It was MOVED by P. Whyte and SECONDED by P. Smith that the prize to be awarded to the winners include both a book and a cheque for $25.00.
It was MOVED by P. Whyte and SECONDED by M. Meade that (1) the Executive develop language clarifying the purpose and procedures involved in the awarding of the Honorary Lifetime Membership Award; and (2) a lifetime honorary membership be extended to Bo Hansen, formerly of Cariboo College and the University-College of the Cariboo.
It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by M. Meade that a letter be written on behalf of the BCPSA to the German Embassy expressing support for Patricia Marchak in her conflict with the German government and supporting the principle of academic freedom.
It was noted that a BC university mini-conference in International Relations has been created. It was agreed to contact the organizers and suggest that the conference be held in conjunction with the annual BCPSA meeting.
Several aspects of paper formats for the conference and the Proceedings were discussed. It was agreed that paper-givers should be notified that papers should not exceed 25 pages double-spaced and should not have been previously published. Several possible alternative formats for panels were also discussed and P. Tennant requested that suggestions and advice be forwarded to him in time to be incorporated into plans for the 1998 AGM.
10. At 12:05 am it was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the meeting be adjourned.