Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 1997
May 4, 1997
Capilano College
North Vancouver, B.C.
Draft – May 6, 1996
1. The meeting was called to order by P. Smith at 8:30 am
2. The agenda was distributed and participants welcomed.
3. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the minutes of the 1996 AGM be approved.
4. Business Arising from the Minutes.
D. Cook spoke about the situation with regards to acheiving accreditation for political science as a teachable subject in the province’s education faculties. It was noted that the situation varied between different institutions and that the question of jurisdiction to mandate change was unclear. It was recommended that the BCPSA undertake a lobbying effort designed to have all provincial institutions move towards the UBC standard as an interim target. It was MOVED by R. Sigurdson and SECONDED by D. Winchester that a committee be formed under the chairmanship of D. Cook with representatives of Universities and Colleges to work with the provincial articulation committee to design and implement a strategy to attain this goal; and that the committee report back to the 1998 AGM on its progress.
5. President’s Report.
P. Smith discussed progress being acheived towards the publication of the proceedings from the three BCPSA AGMs and stated he expected all three to be published shortly. An update of the BCPSA directory was also expected to be completed in time for distribution at the 1998 AGM. He also thanked all those who participated and helped organize the 1997 meetings.
Thanks were also expressed to UBC Press/St Martin’s/ITP-Nelson/Bedford Books/Fernwood/Prenti
and Bacon publishers for participating in the book display and contributing towards prizes a
other AGM costs.
Both the BCPSA and publisher’s were pleased with the present arrangements and
invitations for participation at the 1998 Kamloops AGM would be forthcoming.
6. Program Report
The 1996 Program Report was presented by David Winchester. Forty-four individuals had registered and paid for membership including 10 graduate students. Six participants originated from out-of-province, including three from Alberta, one from
Ontario, one from Quebec and one from the U.S.. Thirteen sessions were held including the presentation of 18 papers.
Thanks were also expressed to UBC Press/St Martin’s/ITP-Nelson/Bedford Books/Fernwood/PrenticeHall-Allyn
and Bacon publishers for participating in the book display and contributing towards prizes and
other AGM costs.
7. New Business
M. Meade introduced a proposal to utilize the BCPSA for evaluation of new program proposals in political science in the province. It was MOVED by M. Meade and SECONDED by D. Cook that a BCPSA Professional Program Evaluation Committee be created to undertake reviews of new programs upon request by sponsoring departments or institutions.
On behalf of R. LaPointe, P. Smith discussed the need to enlarge participation by Graduate Students in the BCPSA. It was MOVED by D. Winchester and SECONDED by P. Whyte that a Graduate Student Committee be formed from representatives from each university in the province to work with the BCPSA Conference Committee on future programs.
P. Smith introduced a Notice of Motion to amend the BCPSA constitution by adding a Graduate Student representive position to the Association Executive Committee.
P.Smith discussed a proposal to solicit funds from provincial media outlets in support of BCPSA student scholarships in return for the effort BCPSA members spent contributing to media reporting on political issues. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the Exective approach print and electronic media outlets throughout the province to apprise them of the existence of the Association and encourage donations to the BCPSA scholarship fund. Contributors names would then be posted on the Association WWW Site.
8. M. Howlett provided the Financial Report. The BCPSA had a balance of $1,727.23 in its accounts as of March 31, 1997 and no outstanding liabilities. This was up from $1115.21 in 1996. The Association expects a surplus of approximately $750 on the 1997 AGM and also anticipates royalties from the new K. Carty edited BC Politics text sometime over the next year. It was MOVED by M. Howlett and SECONDED by P. Smith that the Financial report be accepted.
9. Elections.
P. Smith outlined the vacancies in the positions of President, 2nd Vice-President (B),
Treasurer, and at-large representatives from each of the four regions. The nominations
committee report was presented and Derek Cook was ACCLAIMED as
President, Michael Howlett as Treasurer, Paul Whyte as
Vancouver Island At-large Representative, Tracy Summerville as
Northern Interior At-large Representative, and Barrie MacCullough as Southern Interior
At-Large representative; each for a two-year term.
BY SHOW OF HANDS, it was agreed that P. Smith would
approach Peter Prontzos, Paul Meir and Marlene Yri, in that order,
to fill the vacancy for Lower Mainland At-large Representative;
and K. Carty to nominate a faculty member to fill the position of
2nd Vice-President (B). Due to the elevation of D. Cook to
President, a new vacancy for 2nd Vice President (A) occured and Richard
Sigurdson was ACCLAIMED to the position.
10. At 9:40 am it was MOVED by P. Whyte and SECONDED by K. Brownsey that the meeting be adjourned.