Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 2001
Draft — May 6, 2001
1. The meeting of May 5, 2001 at Langara College was called to order at 8:25 am by President Norman Ruff.
2. It was MOVED by Stephen Phillips and SECONDED by Derek Cook that the agenda be approved. CARRIED
3. It was MOVED by Greg Poelzner and SECONDED by Stephen McBride that the minutes of the 2000 UVIC AGM be approved. CARRIED.
It was MOVED by Michael Howlett and SECONDED by Greg Poelzner that the 2000 Notice of Motion respecting a constitutional amendment to merge the Executive Committee positions of Secretary and Treasurer into a new position of Secretary-Treasurer be brought forward for consideration and approval. After some discussion of the relevant required changes to the Association Constitution, the motion was CARRIED and the amendment APPROVED.
5.1. President’s Report
President Ruff reported on the improvement in the financial position of the Association as his term in office expired and noted the key role played by the organizers of the University of Victoria 2000 AGM in attaining this situation. He also thanked the organizers of the 1999 UBC AGM for having taken steps to reduce the deficit incurred by the organization at that time and extended thanks to Stephen Phillips, Florence Roy and the other members of the Langara College Program Committee for having organized a highly successful conference. He also noted the winners of the 2001 Essay Awards — UG LD Ron Greavison from Selkirk College, UG UD Micah Bond Rankin from SFU and MA Fiona MacDonald from SFU — and the fact that no entries had been received inn the PhD competition. Some discussion of means to increase the number of entrants in all of the competitions ensued with a recommendation emerging to increase the amount of early advertising for the awards so as to encourage submissions from the fall term.
5.2. Program Chair’s Report
Stephen Phillips reported on the program for the 2001 AGM. He noted that first day paid registrations were approximately 65-70 with more expected on Day II. The 2001 conference program featured 18 panels and two keynote plenary addresses, as well as one virtual conference. He volunteered to develop a manual for future program chairs setting out the requirements of the position.
5.3. Treasurer’s Report
Michael Howlett presented several financial statements covering the April 1 — March 31 2000/2001 fiscal year. He noted that the organization was now in good financial shape with approximately $3,300 in its membership account and an additional $580 owed from UBC. In addition the Association was expecting a small profit from the 2001 AGM and now had additional revenue sources available through royalties from UBC Press from K. Carty’s B.C. Politics and Policy book, and from University libraries which had become paying subscribers to the Annual Proceedings. He noted the excellent results from the UVIC AGM which generated a $2000 surplus and the quick action on the part of UBC organizers Ken Carty and Paul Tennant which raised $1500 to offset the 1999 UBC AGM deficit.
6.1. It was MOVED by Stephen McBride and SECONDED by Tracy Summerville that the BCPSA act on the proposal put forward by Paddy Smith to create a bi-annual $500 prize for best publication by a B.C. Political Scientist in the name of former member and UNBC President and Department of Political Science founder Geoff Weller. It was noted that Professor Weller’s family fully supported the creation of the prize. The motion to create the Geoff Weller Memorial Prize was APPPROVED.
6.2.Location of future AGMs. It was noted that Chris Kuchucha was moving to Lethbridge to take up a position at the University and would not be available to organize the 2003 AGM at Douglas College. After some discussion it was agreed that this issue should be raised with BC Articulation. It was also agreed to suggest to Articulation that the 2003 AGM be held at UNBC.
It was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED that the following be elected to the BCPSA Executive for two year terms: President — Alex Michalos (UNBC); VP1 — Barrie McCullough (Okanagan); VP2(A) — Pending Articulation (Douglas College); VP2(B) — Pending Articulation (UNBC); Secretary-Treasurer — Michael Howlett (SFU); Regional Rep North — Tracy Summerville (UNBC); Regional Rep Southern Interior — Andy Shadrack (Selkirk); Regional Rep Vancouver Island — Norm Ruff (UVIC) and Regional Rep Lower Mainland — Paddy Smith (SFU).
8. It was MOVED by Stephen Phillips and SECONDED by Stephen McBride that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 am