Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 1999
May 15, 1999
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.
Draft – May 17, 1999
1. The meeting was called to order by D. Cook at 6:30 pm
2. The agenda was distributed and participants welcomed. It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by P. Smith that the agenda be approved as distributed.
3. It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the minutes of the 1998 AGM be approved.
4. Business Arising from the Minutes.
4.1. Accreditation: D. Cook spoke to the work accomplished in 1998-1999 towards achieving accreditation for political science as a teachable subject in the province’s education faculties. The matter will continue to be pursued by the incoming executive.
4.2. Essay Contest: The names of the 1999 student essay prize winners were read by P. Smith. These were: Paul Zollman from Langara College for lower division UG; David Farmer from SFU for upper division UG; Erin Tetlemoore from UBC for MA, and Karen Lochead from SFU for Ph.D. It was MOVED by D. Cook and SECONDED by P. Smith that $25 cheques be issued to award winners names and that in 1999 recipients of the awards would also receive copies of Jeremy Wilson’s “Talk and Log” book from UBC Press. It was also moved that in future, the Past President’s committee would adjudicate esssay prizes.
4.3. Canadian Studies: D. Cook reported on progress made towards including political science as a requirement for Canadian Studies programs in B.C. It was noted that the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University would move towards this goal in September when a merger between it and the Canadian Studies program at the University would occur.
4.4. Location for 2003 AGM: It was confirmed by D. Cook that articulation had agreed to hold the 2002 meetings at Okanagan University-College. It was agreed that the 2003 AGM should return to a college or college-university in the Lower Mainland.
4.5. BC IR Group: L. Woods reported on the activities of the BC IR group in 1999 and volonteered to talk to its organizers and act as a liaison between the IR Group and the BCPSA with the aim of co-ordinating the activities of the two organizations in 2000.
5. President’s Report.
D. Cook reviewed progress towards the promotion of the aims of the BCPSA over the past two years and encouraged organizers of future AGMs to continue to establsh links with the media, government and non-university organizations in the province. On completion of his report, D. Cook was presented with an honorary gavel by P. Smith in recognition of his efforts as outgoing President of the Association.
6. Secretary’s Program Report
P. Tennant reported on activities related to the organization of the 1999 AGM. It was noted that the AGM was almost twice the size of previous AGMs with over 80 participants involved in 19 paper sessions, three roundtables and 1 keynote address. Thirty-nine papers were presented in total with presenters coming from six provinces and four states in the U.S. as well as Hong Kong and Australia. The results of the experiments with chair-discussants and triple concurrent sessions were assessed positively, as was the integration of graduate students into panels. It was agreed that this probably represented the maximum number of sessions which could be sustained by the association over a two day period, although some additional efforts could be undertaken to increase the number of undergraduate attendees.
It was also noted that some financial arrangements for the AGM would be facilitated by registering the BCPSA under the Societies Act as a non-profit society. It was MOVED by P. Tennant and SECONDED by P. Smith that the secretary be instructed to complete registration of the Association under the Societies Act in 1999-2000.
It was MOVED by M. Howlett and SECONDED by L. Woods that thanks be extended to the host Department and especially to Paul Tennant and Annwen Rowe-Evans for their efforts and success in organizing the 1998 AGM
7. Treasurer’s Report
M. Howlett reported that the BCPSA had $1,349 in its bank account as of March 31, 1999. A one time $1,619.91 charge was taken in 1998-99 in order to publish the first three volumes of BCPSA Proceedings. Although additional revenues were expected from sales of Proceedings it was noted that smaller surpluses on or deficits on conferences could place the publication of proceedings in jeopardy. It was MOVED by A. Mignone and SECONDED by A. Shadrack that in future years publication of proceedings must be put on a sustainable financial basis and that all papers in future should be solicited on the basis of the understanding that they will be posted as part of electronic (WWW-based) proceedings. Authors will be asked to provide a disk copy of their paper and to sign a waiver allowing posting of their paper to the Web. All copyrights, however, will remain with the authors.
8. Elections
P. Smith outlined the vacancies in the positions of President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President (A and B), Treasurer, and at-large representatives from each of the four regions. The nominations committee report was presented and Norman Ruff was ACCLAIMED as President, Mike Howlett as Treasurer, Jeremy Wilson as 1st Vice-President, Peter Prongos as 2nd Vice-President (A) and Barrie McCullough as 2nd Vice-President (B). ACCLAIMED as regional representatives were (North) Tracy Summerville, (Southern Interior) Andy Shadrack, (Lower Mainland) Paddy Smith, and (Vancouver Island) Avigail Eisenberg. ACCLAIMED as Graduate Representatives was Russell Williams.
9. New Business
Small Colleges: A. Shadrack reported on the decline in political science teaching at small colleges in the province. It was MOVED by P. Tennant and SECONDED by M. Howlett that a note be written by the outgoing BCPSA President to the Minister of Advanced Education stressing the improtance of Political Science teaching and advocating retention of the subject at small colleges.
10. Other Business
P. Smith reported on the results of his letter written to the German government in support of P. Marchak in her conflict with the German government and supporting the principle of academic freedom. It was agreed that the letter be resent to the relevant governments with copies to P. Marchak.
11. At 7:50 pm it was MOVED by K. Lochead and SECONDED by G. Ashe that the meeting be adjourned.